Space Science

A circle is a line with no beginning and no end, a line in continuous motion for eternity.

All parts of the line are equal distances from the center. 

In the natural world, a circle can emulate an open eye on a butterfly's wing to protect it from predators.

Documenting time in the concentric circles of a tree's rings provides

a record of growth and precipitation engraved within the heartwood.

tree rings

As a symbol of love and devotion, we give our love a circular wedding ring to wear.

wedding ring

Stars, planets, and moons take the shape of spheres, the 3-dimensional version of a circle created by gravity.



During an eclipse, two spheres align for a few significant moments,

shifting the natural rhythms of life, from light to dark, and back to light.


Sol, our glorious star and Luna, Earth’s constant companion will be having quite a big year between the morning of October 14, 2023, and afternoon of April 8th, 2024. An annular eclipse or Ring of Fire eclipse will take place on the morning of October 14, 2023, leaving the Earth bathed in sunrise colors with an orange ring surrounding the Moon while it crosses the surface of the Sun. The following Spring in the afternoon of April 8th, 2024, darkness will envelope the Earth for a few minutes leaving the corona of the Sun visible while the Moon blocks the entire solar surface. The dance between the Sun, Moon, and Earth will leave all that witness these events spellbound at the connections for all life on Earth to the solar system beyond.